Empowering Chicks
In January 2016 Empowering Chick’s founder, Louise Garland and a few of her girlfriends had a dream. Their dream - bring together and empower women and girls around the world by creating beautiful products for fellow chicks, and use the profits to fund education for girls in poverty stricken countries.
Their dream became a reality when Louise turned her garage into a candle making factory. Each weekend the Empowering Chicks get together hand making and hand packing beautiful scented candles with fierce dedication, passion and love.
After a year of hanging out in Louise’s garage, Empowering Chicks have successfully launched their triple scented soy candles designed to compliment your home and make it smell delicious.
They have now moved their candle making from the garage into a warehouse and with the help from an Australian leading candlemaker they are scaling up their production. The Empowering Chicks would love for you to support and join them in their mission.
Together we can inspire and empower one another around the globe.
Spring in the City - September Edition
14th September 2019 at Yagan Square -
Mother's Day Market at Yagan Square
11th May 2019 at Yagan Square -
April 7th 2019: Applecross
7th April 2019 at Heathcote Cultural Precinct -
November 2018
4th November 2018 at Heathcote Cultural Precinct Applecross -
September 2018
23rd September 2018 at Heathcote Cultural Precinct Applecross -
February 2018
25th February 2018 at Heathcote Cultural Precinct Applecross -
November 17th Perth Christmas Market
17th November 2017 at Yagan Square -
May 2017 Market
14th May 2017 at Heathcote Cultural Precinct
Other Stallholders