rEziSt textiles & design
rEziSt textiles & design is a designer label of bespoke handcrafted
homewares and textile creations based in Perth Western Australia.
A vision of creating unique handmade artwares and accessories in
a world of mass production inspired the beginnings of the label.
Predominantly working with natural fibres - flax / hemp / jute / silk / wool -
the exquisite creations will appeal to the most discerning collector
of beautiful objects that exhibit both form and function.
Cindy Morris is the designer/artisan behind the bespoke label
rEziSt textiles & design
she has over 15 years experiance as a craft practitioner
including commissioned work for
Aurelio Costarella & Akira Isogawa
she consistantly pursues new ways to express her creativity
also producing Textiles as Artform for the Art Gallery environment
her textiles have been represented nationally & internationally
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