Jackie Peach Artist
After a major life changing event about 12 years ago I made the decision that it was definitely time to go back to basics of who and what I am –an artist; Jackie Peach. As my childhood dreams and aspirations had not changed but had only become stronger, I commenced painting classes and devoted my time to developing my own unique style. I was shown a technique called paint pouring that absolutely captivated me and I found myself spending hours in my spare time at home painting. Mostly with oils but acrylics also, I literally discovered my soul’s calling and found I didn’t want to do anything else. At last I had found my niche.
Painting to me is a meditation; I can begin a new painting first thing in the morning and the next time I look at the clock its 3 p.m. One aspect I love about my style is that quite a few of my paintings have hidden images within them and its fun to stand back and discover how it’s evolving. The creative process for me is very spiritual and because of this rewarding and fulfilling. All of my pieces are immensely personal and reflect back to very significant times throughout my life.
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