Meet the Maker: Lush Baubles

Welcome to the Lush Baubles blog, where we take you behind the scenes of one of our small jewellery stallholders. In this blog post, we'll share the journey, the passion for crafting wearable art, and the joys (and challenges) of being small business owners. So, grab a cup of tea, settle in, and let's chat about how it all began.

Lush Baubles didn't start with grand ambitions or a detailed business plan. It began as a small part-time hobby business, born out of a desire to explore their creative and artistic side. Over time, as they honed their skills and grew more passionate about the craft, they decided to take the business a little more seriously.

Thirteen years ago, when one of them became a stay-at-home parent, jewellery-making became a soothing escape amidst the whirlwind of parenthood. With a bit more time on their hands, they embraced the opportunity to turn Lush Baubles into a full-time endeavour, dedicating themselves entirely to the art.

At the core of Lush Baubles is a commitment to creating exceptional pieces of wearable art. They embark on a treasure hunt of sorts, scouring the globe for vintage and antique components that inspire their designs. Whether it's breathtaking gemstones, delicate pearls, or intricate details, each element plays a part in shaping their jewellery.

Their process involves meticulous hand-wiring, ensuring not just beauty but enduring quality. From crafting earrings to designing necklaces, every piece takes anywhere from a few hours to several days to complete. It's a labour of love that they're thrilled to share with you.

And they're all in, folks! Lush Baubles is a full-time gig, and they wouldn't have it any other way. The decision to make it their primary focus was driven by their love for the craft and the joy they find in creating unique pieces for their customers.

Ah, the rollercoaster ride of small business ownership! While there have been numerous challenges along the way, one monumental obstacle stands out—the global pandemic of 2020. Like so many other businesses, they had to navigate uncertain waters and adapt to rapidly changing circumstances.

While the WA Market scene has shown signs of recovery over the past few years, it hasn't fully bounced back to its pre-pandemic glory, affecting their sales and event attendance.

Their aspirations for Lush Baubles are as unique as their jewellery pieces. They want to continue expanding their presence, both online and at markets. While it would be a dream to have Lush Baubles known internationally, they're also committed to supporting the thriving WA creative scene. Balancing global and local outreach is a delicate dance they're excited to pursue.

Amidst the whirlwind of running a business, there's one thing that consistently warms their hearts— Perth Makers Market itself. The vibrant and welcoming atmosphere, the friendly interactions with the public and fellow stallholders, and the sense of camaraderie makes these markets their favourite part of this journey.

In these moments, stress melts away, and creativity flourishes. It's an environment where they can truly connect with their customers and fellow artisans, and for that, they're forever grateful.

Thank you for joining them on this journey.

They look forward to sharing more tales from the world of Lush Baubles with you soon. Stay tuned for their upcoming creations and adventures in the world of handmade jewellery!

Find them here: Lush Baubles

Join us for Perth Makers Market on September 24th at Goolugatup Heathcote Applecross and take a piece of their story home with you!