Embark on an Aromatic Odyssey with Nikki's Exquisite Blends: Oily Fig Aromatherapy

Step into the enchanting world of aromatherapy, where Oily Fig Aromatherapy becomes a living canvas painted with meticulous artistry and fueled by the unwavering dedication of its founder, Nikki. As a beacon of quality, Oily Fig has become synonymous with hand-blended essential oil blends that captivate both the soul and the senses.

Join us on a sensory journey as Oily Fig Aromatherapy prepares to grace the Perth Makers Market at Applecross on December 17th, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Start of the aromatic journey

Oily Fig Aromatherapy traces its roots back to Nikki's personal exploration of essential oils a few years ago. Seeking relief from fatigue due to lack of sleep, Nikki embarked on a journey of experimentation. Essential oil blends were crafted and tested on family and friends, with each iteration bringing refinement. The positive feedback paved the way for the creation of Oily Fig.

Crafting with Purpose

At Oily Fig, the process of crafting essential oil blends is an intricate dance of purpose and precision. Each blend is more than a composition; it's a symphony of carefully hand-blended and recipe-tested notes. The formulation process involves considering the blend's purpose, determining the properties required for efficacy, and precisely measuring the amount of oil needed.

It’s not a smooth journey

Navigating the realm of essential oils has not been without challenges for Nikki. Sourcing high-quality essential oils proved to be a significant hurdle. However, in the face of adversity, Oily Fig Aromatherapy triumphed, emerging with blends that embody both quality and efficacy.

Vision ahead

Looking ahead, Nikki envisions Oily Fig Aromatherapy expanding its horizons. The goal is to create blends tailored to different health conditions, ensuring accessibility for everyone seeking the therapeutic benefits of aromatherapy.

Love for Perth Makers Market

The Perth Makers Market holds a special place in Nikki's heart. Beyond being a platform to showcase products, it is a vibrant and inspiring space. The bustling atmosphere, the loyal customer base, and the camaraderie with talented stallholders make it an event Nikki looks forward to with enthusiasm.

Exclusive Christmas Promo

To infuse a touch of festive joy into the aromatherapy experience, Oily Fig Aromatherapy presents an exclusive Christmas promo for market-goers. Purchase the NEW Aroma Mist Diffuser and indulge in an essential oil for just $5. Further, elevate your space with the enchanting aroma of reed diffusers—buy one and get the second at half price.

Infusing Your Home

Oily Fig Aromatherapy is not merely a brand—it's an adventure curated by Nikki's expertise and unwavering passion.

Make a date with Oily Fig Aromatherapy at the Perth Makers Market Applecross on December 17, 2023. Immerse yourself in the world of handcrafted essential oil blends, where each aroma tells a story of passion and precision.

For inquiries or to explore their range, reach out to Oily Fig Aromatherapy via email or visit their website